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Tutoring costs and prices for a tutor by Righttolearn tutors.

Tutor Fees

The top question on many parents mind is how much you should pay for a tutor. This could be from £10 per hour from £80 per hour. The problem is, the private tuition industry is highly unregulated and you have a lot of poor tutors out there who can't tutor children or explain concepts to a high enough level.

So how would you know who is a good tutor and who isn't?

A good indicator is test results, this is one of the first indications to determine how good your tutor is, if your child is being tutored for a month you should see some improvement, many parents fall into the trap of thinking that tutors should take a long time to help your child improve. This is a serious misconception that can be costly for your child and your pocket.

At Righttolearn we have a variety of tutors who are able to explain a range of different subjects and topics to your child in a clear, organised and professional way. Our tutors try and have good relationships with their students as we understand this helps with communication and children and adults are more receptive to people they like.

We offer monthly examinations and reviews to ensure sufficient progress is being made and if we feel it isn't we correct any issues immediately. But there are also many other ways in which you can test for progress.

Many parents spend a lot of money taking their children to "tuition companies" such as Explore Learning. Where children sit around computers and receive no tuition what so ever. Kumon is slightly better as they use paper, but still a very poor "tuition service" in terms of what they are providing you.

It's a fine line:

Parents need to understand it's a fine line between paying too much for a tutor and not paying enough. There is no point paying £10 per hour for a tutor who is no good and can't help your child improve. It's a complete waste of time and money and you shouldn't be trying to help your child improve on the cheap.

In London you should expect to pay £20 to £40 per hour for tuition for primary school children. Anything less than £20 is a desperate attempt to gain your business and good tutors will value them selves at no less than £20 for a primary school student.

You should expect to pay around £ 30 to £60 per hour for tuition for secondary school children. This is based on the if the tutor is freelance or working for a company, how good the tutor is and if they have a good track record of providing your children with good results.

The Problem:

The UK's private tuition industry is in a bit of problem, in terms of the large volume of freelance tutors you have that simply aren't good tutors, furthermore you find that these tutors saturate the market by going in a ridiculously low rates and parents who don't know any better just go for the cheapest option. The main thing to remember is you pay for what you get. If it sounds too good to be true then it usually is. There is no point paying anything for a service that simply doesn't work.

Useful Links:

Finding the best tutor.

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