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Tuition for less than £5 per hour.

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What you

24 hours of tuition each month - a free Edpace account - weekly homework -monthly testing - learning materials and more...


The affordable tuition option providing students with 6 hours of tuition each week, students will receive lessons given by a teacher and have the chance to ask questions in designated breaks.

How it

Simply sign up and start lessons from the next week. Lessons are three times a week for 2 hours each time.


Students will receive 2 hour lessons three times a week.

What you

It's only £99 per month.


Only £99 per month or £899 yearly.

Contact Us


Open Monday to Friday 9am to 10pm

Saturday to Sunday 9am to 11pm

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Get In Touch

Contact Us  |  Tel: +442080991626

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