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My maths review | An extensive review into the pros and cons of my maths

This my maths review will include:

1. What is my maths

2. The benefits of using my maths

3. The disadvantages of using my maths

4. My maths alternatives

5. How to make the most out of my maths

6. What not to do when using my maths

7. How using a tutor in conjunction with my maths can skyrocket your child educational development

my maths reveiw

What is my maths

My maths is an online learning facility used by schools and educational providers throughout the world, it's vast range of topics, clear and easy to use learning platform and clever design make it a world leader in online learning, the fact we live in a digital age where many children in developed countries are exposed to smartphones and computers from a very early age, makes my maths an excellent tool for learning for many children throughout the UK, as it's a way of learning many children can relate to. Many schools and educational providers use my maths because of the many easy to use functions it has that enables teachers to set the difficulty and topic in accordance to the needs of the students, my maths allows teachers to set homework and keep track of what students have done the work and what students haven't.

My maths also includes a range of different tutorials students my find interesting and engaging and can allow students to learn from home in way they haven't been able to do before, using my maths is a great way of cutting costs for schools that have a lack of government funding and are looking for cheap, cost effective ways to ensure students in their school are still learning and achieving top grades in their examinations.

if you're considering homeschooling for your child then my maths would be highly recommend along with a home tutor to ensure your child is learning while their home tutor isn't present, for parents homeschooling their children on their own, my maths would be a great alternative way to ensure your child is learning and keep track of their scores, my maths is constantly updated and due to the broad spectrum of topics it covers, students using different exam boards won't find much problems when using my maths for this reason.

My maths is exactly what's it's called my maths, therefore it's limitation lies within the fact it only facilitates extensive learning for maths meaning parents and teachers would need to find an alternative online learning solution for other topics such as English and maths, some teachers argue that my maths gives maths teachers in schools an unfair advantage and means the quality of teaching is diluted however most teachers use my maths for homework and rarely would each lesson be used in conjunction with my maths.

In summary my maths is limited in terms of helping students to understand more difficult mathematical concepts however for many using my maths it provides an excellent tool to use as homework and supplement the learning most students do at school or home.

The benefits of using my maths

My maths at school

As already discussed in brief, my maths is used by many schools around the country to assist of their homework or extra curriculum learning, my maths is a useful online tool for teachers as it's a way of setting and marking students homework, saving teachers time and this gives maths teachers more time to plan lessons and offer a better education to their students in the classroom, teachers in the UK are required to set and mark homework meaning their time for lesson planning can sometimes be cut short and if a teacher has poor time organisation skills, it may even mean the quality of the lessons becomes diluted. This isn't benefical for the maths students and doesn't reflect well on the teachers, this issue is exacerbated in schools with inexperienced teachers and lack of funding so my maths can be a great way of helping schools cut costs and saving maths teachers time, while at the same time ensuring the quality of maths classes and education isn't compromised.

Interactive learning

The interactive learning offered by my maths is more significant than most people realise, this point was touched upon on the first section of this article however it's important to note that the fact it's learning platform is highly interactive allows students to become more engaged and therefore they'll enjoy their learning experience more, if they enjoy their learning experience more then they'll actually learn more and get better grades in exams, educational providers are always looking for ways to improve student enjoyment when learning a particular topic, making learning highly interactive has proven to be a very effective method in increasing student engagement and improving results, my maths have really integrated this concept throughout the service they offer and it clearly is working as students do improve.

My maths is great for students with low engagement

My maths works really well for students who don't engage well in class or are quite reclusive, it allows students to work by themselves from anywhere they can get internet connection.

My maths is always updated

My maths is updated on a regular basis to ensure students are getting the very best online education they can, this is key advantage my maths has over interactive learning platform that aren't updated on a regular basis, meaning it should always be up to date.

Ease of use

My maths has a platform that is very easy to use, this helps students to learn more and increases student engagement, have you ever tried using a platform or facility that wasn't clear or was hard to navigate? You usually just give up within the first couple minutes of trying, this is what happens with students trying to learn but they can't even navigate the learning platform, they simply give up. This issue is highlighted in students who didn't even want to give my maths a try, due to it being set for homework by a teacher or they may have been told to do it by their parents for extra work or revision at home.

My maths is environmentally friendly

The fact that all the learning is done online saves money and the environment if one student goes through around 10-20 maths books in the time they are in years 7 to 11 at school then a school with 2000 students would save 15 (average) x 2000 books, that's 30,000 books, that's a lot of books and a lot of money! So using my maths can really go a long way in reducing the demand for books.

my maths website

The disadvantages of using my maths

As already mention my maths is an excellent online tool for learning however like any online learning tool my maths does have it's limitations and disadvantages.

My maths only provides maths

The primary disadvantage of my maths is that it only covers maths, this limits the range of people that can use my maths as an all in one learning solution for their child's educational needs, it means parents homeschooling their children with my maths will need to find alternative methods of extra education in subjects such as English, science and the humanities.

My maths doesn't provide a unique learning experience

Although it provides a highly interactive learning platform, my maths fails to provide a unique learning experience catered to the needs of an individual, although teachers can set the level of difficulty on the questions and topics, it's impossible to cater the work set to the needs of each individual student in the class, this problem is further shown when students at home doing the work fail to produce good results due to finding the work to hard compared to the class, this issue present more risks to the students education as teachers then have to decide if the student is capable of keeping up with the homework or the teacher may consider moving the student down a set, which clearly isn't good for the students educational progression.

My maths covers a broad spectrum of topics

This can be both an advantage and disadvantage as it means students have access to an unlimited range of different topics within maths however in reality students don't require an unlimited range of topics, most students require a very specific set of topics for the examinations they are taking so some students can waste time shifting through loads of topics they don't need to know.

My maths provides international learning

This is great and shows that my maths is a highly trusted platform although it's evident that due to the wide range of geographical locations my maths facilitates online maths learning for, there will be contradictions in the way these different topics are taught and in some cases it will be unlikely that the explanation of mathematical concepts will always be the same or even similar to explanations teachers have given at school, or tutors at home. This can create an element of confusion for students who don't yet have a clear understanding of all the maths topics.

My maths alternatives

There are many many alternatives to my maths, the alternative you choose will depend on two things:

1. Your budget

2. How quickly you'd like the students to learn

Your budget

Let's say in theory you have an unlimited budget to spend on your child then hiring a private home tutor would seem like your best bet in providing your child with a unique, specific and quality home education they need to get the very best grades in their exams, another advantage of using a home tutor is that the learning is catered specifically for your child and many parents use a home tutor and my maths in supplement the home tuition their child is receiving.

How quickly you'd like the students to learn

My maths shouldn't be used as a learning tool by itself it should be used to supplement learning however if you're not trying to learn maths fast and you have a long time period then using my maths on it's own may be of benefit to you, as it offers a cheaper way to learn over a long period of time.

If you're preparing for an exam it would be very dangerous to use my maths by itself for two primary reasons.

1. It's not specific to your exam board meaning you may not cover all the topics you need to.

2. The questions presented in my maths won't necessarily be the same style that you have in your exam.

So the alternatives to using my maths would be as follows:

1. Hiring an online tutor

2. Hiring a home tutor

3. Using my maths with a tutor

4. Online maths course.

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