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Revision tips for students and advice for tutors when tutoring.

During the next 10 days we will be looking at the best revision tips and how this will be of great benefit to you in your studies or if you're giving tips to students when tutoring.


Top Ten Revision Tips:

1. Clear your mind

When revising it’s important to have a clear mind so you’re able to take in information effectively. Having a clear mind will help you retain the necessary and important information.

2. Be prepared

When revising have all the necessary materials and equipment with you. This will stop you from getting up in the middle of a study session to find something that should have been with you at the start.

3. Have a plan

Have a plan of what you want to study and what topics you’re trying to cover, this will help you when formulating a good revision schedule.

4. Set Targets

Ensure you have set yourself targets at the begging of the study session so that you understand what you’ll need to test yourself on.

5. Be specific

Each study session you have should focus on a specific subject or topic. This will ensure you have clearly understood what the content of the topic is trying to explain.

6. Test Yourself

Ensure you test yourself so you know if you’ve understood the topic.

7. Be honest

When revising it’s important to be honest with yourself. This is the only way to properly progress in any field of study.

8. Repeat

Just like singing a song helps you to remember lyrics word for word, repeating a sentence by writing it out ten times or saying it ten times will help you to retain the information properly.

9. Use colours

Using colours or just being creative is an excellent way to help retain information.

10. Time efficiency

It’s really important to use your time effectively to ensure the benefits of revision are maximised.


Top Ten Revision Tips: Clear your mind When revising it’s important to have a clear mind so you’re able to take in information. Having a clear mind will help you retain the necessary and important information.Be prepared When revising have all the necessary materials and equipment with you. This will stop you from getting up in the middle of a study session to find something that should have been with you at the start. Have a plan Have a plan of what you want to study and what topics you’re trying to cover, this will help you when formulating a good revision schedule. Set Targets Ensure you have set yourself targets at the begging of the study session so that you understand what you’ll need to test yourself on. Be specific Each study session you have should focus on a specific subject or topic. This will ensure you have clearly understood what the content of the topic is trying to explain. Test Yourself Ensure you test yourself so you know if you’ve understood the topic. Be honest When revising it’s important to be honest with yourself. This is the only way to properly progress in any field of study. Repeat Just like singing a song helps you to remember lyrics word for word, repeating a sentence by writing it out ten times or saying it ten times will help you to retain the information properly.Use colours Using colours or just being creative is an excellent way to help retain information. Time efficiency It’s really important to use your time effectively to ensure the benefits of revision are maximised.

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