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How to write properly with Righttolearn tutors.

How to write better.

There are several important things one must remember when writing:

1. Make sure the article makes sense from start to finish.

2. Be creative.

3. Don't repeat the same words too much.

4. Make it interesting.

5. Use a variety of language techniques.

6. Spelling and punctuation should be consistent.

7. Use words in the correct context.

8. Elaborate on a point when explaining something.

9. Use the method point, evidence and analysis when answering a verbal reasoning question.

Here are some examples for you to think about:

- I went into the house, down the corridor and sat down on the chair in the room.

- I slowly walked into the old grey semi-detached house and stepped through the large front door, I saw some huge paintings of old men that decorated the damp hallway. I crept through the hallway and pushed passed the hideous door guarding the front room, tired, I sat myself down on the green chair.

- I carefully crept towards the large grey semi-detached house, it looked like it had been through some wars but nevertheless I pressed onwards, I knocked on the rotting wooden door, my hands bled from the huge splinters the door kindly gifted with. To my surprise the door was already open, I stepped in the corridor right foot first, quickly followed by my left, then noted the delicate artwork hanging from the flaky walls on the right side of the corridor, it was lined with various paintings of Winston Churchill, Albert Einstein and the last painting was too hard to make out, it looked water damaged to some extent. The hallway was damp and smelt of death, reminding me to quickly move through these unwelcoming conditions, everything in the house was telling me to leave, although it was so silent you could hear a pin drop. I approached the mammoth like steel door at the end of the hallway, pushing past the door using my shoulder, I was shocked to see what lay beyond that old steel door...

If you read the three example sentences, it's apparent that simply by adding more description and detail to your writing, you can really make it look more advanced and complex.

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