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Find a tutor in London today, Righttolearn tutors online customer information pack for parents looki

London tutors online information pack


Righttolearn tutors provide a range of different tuition services including private tuition, online tuition and group tuition. We are a national company providing great tutors all around the UK, we monitor, train and regulate our tutors to ensure we provide you, the customer with the best tutor for your child. Righttolearn tutors mission, is to ensure every child has access to a good tutor that will enable them to progress and develop in their career.

Righttolearn tutors are sourced from a range of different platforms including, job websites, schools, universities and local tutors will also work with us, to provide tuition for students. Once we’ve identified strong candidates in your area we’ll begin our selection process, this will assess the tutor’s communication skills, experience and track record of ensuring their previous students have achieved excellent grades, most importantly we’ll assess the tutors enthusiasm to teach as we believe it’s very important the tutor enjoys the job they do, this will ensure a quality service every time.

“It’s not every day that you find a tutor that totally exceeds your expectations, but this was the case with Righttolearn. My hopes where dim for my son. I didn't know what to expect as he wasn't doing too well in school. When the test results came through I'd never been so relieved in my life.”

~ Michelle Richards (Mother)

Better than the rest?

What makes us better than other tuition companies out there? This is the top question on your mind.

At Righttolearn we use the ABC method of tuition to teach our students how to tackle questions that can appear very challenging. There are many reasons why we can say Righttolearn is one of the best tuition companies in the UK. We've listed a few below:

There are several things that make us unique from tuition companies you may be currently using, We’ve listed some:

1. We employ our tutors, which allows us to monitor and regulate their actions and what they teach our students, many tuition companies just find independent tutors to carry out the work and they aren't aware of the progress the student is making. They do this as it's cheaper to manage and they take no liability for the progress of the student.

2. At Righttolearn we track the progress of each student to ensure they are working at a good level. We do this through several methods, the main two being through monthly examinations and school progress reports.

3. At Righttolearn we have our own curriculum for primary school students, which works two levels above the average national curriculum for students, we also give lesson reports.

4. Righttolearn give free lessons to parents who can't afford tuition.

5. Righttolearn uses a diverse workforce with people of different sexes, ages and ethnic backgrounds working for us.

6. Righttolearn creates employment opportunities for young people who have achieved outstanding qualifications to date with a good tutoring background.

7. We offer a mentoring service for students who can't see the benefit of tuition, this helps many children turn their lives around by understanding the benefits of education and hence achieving better results in school.

We don't only benefit our clients by providing them with a first-class tuition service, we also help many young academics find jobs they are good at.

Choose us today and provide your child with a better future tomorrow.

It’s as easy as 123.

In this case ABC, so what our ABC tuition method?

The ABC method:

Before reading this breakdown it’s important to have a shallow understanding of how many academic questions work. In a question, you can be given a scenario and some information. The question will want you to find a solution based on the information it has given you and the nature of the words involved in the question. Many students fall behind as they don’t know the techniques used to address normal questions. Your job as a tutor for Righttolearn will be to teach them how to answer any question they are presented with. You can use your own method or the method we suggest, the most important thing is that the student understands and can apply what they have been taught to a test situation.

Part A

A is what the question gives you.

This part of the question can present one of the hardest challenges, this is because many people who have information for a question are unsure how to use that information. The student reading the question will be unsure what relevance the information has to the question. For this reason, many students perform badly as they are not taught, they are not trained on how to identify important and relevant information. Apart of your job will be helping students to understand what information is relevant and what information isn’t relevant to the question presented. Part A therefore is all about identifying what information can be used to help the student solve part B.

Part B

B is what the question wants you to work out to calculate C.

Part B takes up 90% of the time and energy required to find C. This is because part B may involve using the information from part A and an equation. Part B can also involve using the words from the text to formulate rules. For example, you may have to know that if you’re working with a right-angled triangle that Pythagoras Theorem can be used, or if a question states that two people travelled separately from London to Birmingham then we can say they travelled the same distance. Part B is hard because the student must recognise that a higher level of thought and concentration is required to address the question. The student needs to be trained to look out for words that carry meanings and the student must be trained to identify the relevant time to use a different range of rules or equations to solve a problem.

Part C

C is what the question asks you to find. C is the actual answer to the question. Many people ask why C is important. Part C is important on two levels, the first and most obvious being that the question may give you a unit or level of accuracy it wants the questions answered to. For this reason, we want tutors to train our students to be accurate and not miss the last mark or two from slackness.

The second level is that knowing what you’re looking for in the answer can help you work out B and A as it will give you an indication of how you can use the information in A to work out B and hence C. So knowing what you’re looking for in C is really very important and can help speed up the time it will take to answer the question.

Can We Help You?

Righttolearn uses a range of different tutors to tutor and mentor students, this includes teachers, lecturers, professionals, university students and successful A-Level students.

Using a range of different tutors has proven highly effective and efficient in transferring information and improving grades.

At Righttolearn we understand that information can be relayed more efficiently between individuals of a similar age group.

How we can help you

We offer you the opportunity to have a selection of tutors from Righttolearn mentor and tutor your child at GCSE level and below. Our tutors are CRB and DBS checked.

Our tutors all have previous tutoring experience and have been assessed by the company.

The services we provide include:

  • Private tuition;

  • group tuition;

  • mentoring;

  • revision classes;

  • revision technique classes;

  • online tuition

All our services are conducted in a professional manor and by able and trained staff.

We aim to provide an adequate amount of tuition so that parents will see their child meet or exceed the target grades set, if they use the tuition techniques suggested by our members of staff.

We would strongly suggest parents utilize opportunity offered to them by our company, as it is an excellent way to help those students who need it the most. It is also a great service that will allow the grades of the top students to be optimized for the top results.

Today, our entire paid service range include:

  • Private one to one tuition lessons;

  • private one to one mentoring lessons;

  • homework help;

  • revision techniques class;

  • mentoring.

Our Services

As more and more customers saw their children's grades improved we knew that the foundations for something great had been laid. We knew that a company had been formed that provided a genuine and helpful service to its customers.

Today, our list of services includes:

Private Tuition

Private tuition is a service we offer to both schools and parents alike. We understand that tuition is an investment that parents and schools make for the benefit of their children. Therefore Righttolearn ensures that we don't only provide the best tuition but we ensure students grades improve.

Righttolearn offers a range of extra benefits that most other tuition services don't.

We offer:

  • Lesson reports after each session;

  • lesson review meetings;

  • monthly examinations to track progress;

  • a private email address for both the tutee and tutor;

  • we travel to the home or workplace of the tutee;

  • we ensure target grades are met or exceeded;

  • we mark and give feedback on any work or homework given.

In addition to these extra services, we also ensure all our tutors have an A/A* up to A-Level and the required CRB and DBS check as a part of our child protection policy.

Some schools and parents will question the amount of testing we do with our students; however, we understand that exam technique is essential to achieve the required results in an exam situation. Therefore we work using exams to make students familiar with the mark scheme and the type of questions they will be asked in the real exam.

Group Tuition

This is an option for schools that we offer as we know some students feel more comfortable working in a group and therefore learn better as a result.

The groups consist of three students and one tutor as we understand that although group work is effective, tutors still need to be able to give each student the high standard of tuition they require to see grades improve.


A highly beneficial service that our company offers to schools. Schools drastically underestimate the benefits mentoring can offer to students who don't see the importance of education or may be misbehaving in class. Some of these students may have troubled backgrounds. Our mentors come from a range of backgrounds, therefore we can effectively relay the important message of education to students thus ensuring they will make a better effort to do well in school and give themselves a brighter future.

We’re Not Like the Others

As previously described our company offers a range of important services that many other tuition companies fail to offer. In addition to this our company is unique as it uses young adults to tutor and mentor school pupils. This is not employed by many tuition companies effectively.

Results Driven

We aren't just good with our words. We know that results and student satisfaction is what schools and parents alike want to see. This why we use the GCSE results obtained from each of our students and review them to see who met or exceeded their target grades and in some cases, who didn't.

This helps schools and parents to see how effective the tuition service was and it helps us better ourselves as a company.

We look at the facts and figures. Many tuition companies will flatter customers using kind words to overshadow the task at hand or the poor results obtained. As a company, we know that progress can never been made using this method to maintain a client base.

Righttolearn was founded in 2014 by Daniel Gray who saw that many young people were struggling to get the required grades to pursue their dreams and aspirations.

Daniel was also working for Explore Learning at the time and saw the faults that existed within the company structure and how it didn’t help students at a GSCE level.

Therefore, Daniel founded Righttolearn. Using the techniques that many private schools use to optimize students’ results, coupled with the mentoring program which was brought about by Daniel's extensive research into education.

In summary

If you would like to:

⇒ Maximize your child’s results.

⇒ Improve failing students’ grades.

⇒ Help students kick start their careers.

Then you need to contact us now.

Greater London, England.

Phone 02080991626


We guarantee you won't regret it

When using RTL tuition services, you’re using a tuition service that provides a brighter future for your child. You’re using a tuition service who care. You’re using a tuition service who have tutors that have recently been through exams themselves, so they understand just what students need in both knowledge and support.

We offer a range of services.

Some parents request for numerous tuition lessons to take place when they see that the service is effective. In cases such as this, we are willing to offer discounts that will be explained on this page.

Private Tuition

Cost: £30

Duration: 1 hour

Description: Basic one to one tuition.

Cost: £30

Duration: 1.5 hours

Description: One to one mentoring.

Group Tuition

Cost: £50

Duration: 1.5 hours

Description: One tutor to three students.

School Discount

Cost: 20% off the total cost.

Example: If 5 tutors and two mentors are requested per week. The total cost would be £210 per week. With a 20% discount, the total cost will be £169 per week.

These paid services are only offered upon request. The tuition and mentoring we provide the students at the school, upon the company's request is free of charge.



As part of our commitment to achieving the principles of effective child safety in the workplace, we recognize our moral and legal responsibility to ensure that our activities and services are designed to enhance the child safety in the communities in which we operate. We aim to ensure that our operations do not place the local community and especially students at risk of harm.


We are committed to child safety and protection. We will work with our customers, schools and the community to adopt procedures that:

  • Regulates our tutors and ensure they are CRB and/or DBS checked;

  • ensure the pupils feel comfortable and safe always;

  • minimize the chances of any incidents occurring;

  • regular staff meetings to ensure they understand how to tutor in a professional manor and what to do if things go wrong.

We recognize that the overall responsibility child safety and protection rests with management, who will be accountable for the implementation of this policy.These responsibilities include:

  • Resolving and investigating any incidents in a swift and professional manner;

  • liaising closely with schools and parents to ensure students feel safe;

  • regulating any discussion that takes place between a tutee and tutor via email using the admin console;

  • the dismissal of any staff who we feel may have broken the child protection policy the company operates under.

Employees also have responsibilities, which include:

  • Acting in a professional manner around all students and staff;

  • reporting any inappropriate or unusual behavior;

  • conducting appropriately under the statutory company child protection policy.

Useful Links:

Finding the best tutor.

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