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Why you should consider homeschooling

There are many benefits to homeschooling. Many parents believe home schooling children can be quite detrimental to their development, both socially and academically, however there are many reasons why homeschooling can be highly beneficial and help your child to have a more rounded character than if they were at a public school for example.

Firstly, home schooling children means they are getting a lot of one to one attention, so they have the potential to learn a lot faster than if they where in a normal school environment, where the teachers attention would be shared with the rest of the students in the classroom.

Secondly, home schooling children builds up independence, as all questions are directed at them and not to the rest of their peers in the classroom.

Thirdly, home schooling children means they minimise their chance of getting bullied at school, however many could argue that it means your child won't learn how to deal with situations that may arise in the future.

Another argument against homeschooling is that it can be expensive, and can create a class system, as only wealthier individuals are able to provide home schooling for their children.

Many parents who home school their children ensure they get their child involved in a variety of extracurricular activities, to ensure social development isn't affected.

The misconception

Although home schooling generally means taking your child out of school, many children both attend school and are home schooled. An example of this would be receiving private tuition on a daily basis after school and/or during the weekends.

The answer

Home schooling is a very beneficial service that more tuition companies should offer to parents.

If you'd like more information on how Righttolearn Tutors can help you with your homeschooling requirements then please contact us today .

Useful Links:

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