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Righttolearn Tutors

Righttolearn make tutoring a simple and easy process to follow, Sign up for tutoring lessons on our homepage now and get a refund if you're not happy with the second tutor we sent. Tutoring has never been so easy and so simple, we love tutoring and want everyone to find a tutor that suits the needs and requirements of there child. Below are the steps we will follow to ensure we have a successful session with each child.


A trial session is an opportunity for the student to see how you teach and it’s an opportunity for you to assess the ability of the child. Trial sessions are when a parent decides if they want to sign up with us, this makes trial sessions important which means it’s vital that you turn up on time, dressed smart and well prepared.

If you’re a new tutor this will be exceptionally important for you as a trial session would usually decide if you begin working with our company.

Expectations and Goals

All tutors are expected to utilise this opportunity to show the student and the parent how much of a great tutor you are, be sociable and friendly, have lots to say and be prepared to talk about your experience tutoring and your current qualifications.


Trial sessions should last 60 minutes:

10 mins – Take this time to ask the student questions about what they are doing at school in regards to the subject they are requesting tuition in. Just ask about their hobbies and get to know the student a bit better.

20 mins – This is the period in which you’ll give the student some questions to do, try not to help them with the questions until the time you’ve allocated them has finished, reassure them that you’ll help them answer the questions after the time has ended.

30 mins – Take this time to go through any questions the student didn’t understand and ensure you take the time to give a thorough and clear explanation.

These times are only a template to use, you don’t have to stick to these exact times but we do find that tutors who stick to this format for trial sessions end up being more successful.


Feedback is important and you as the tutor are responsible for feedback given to the parents, ensure you give lots of detailed feedback about what you did in the lesson and a potential plan moving forward. Ensure you contact your area manager when you have completed a trial session so they know how it went. Instruct the parent to contact us (the management team) to make a payment, don’t take any payments cash in hand.

Useful Links:

Finding the best tutor.

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